Archived recordings

Missed a Target 2035 webinar? Recordings are available to watch on-demand at your convenience.

Chemoproteomic profiling: from target discovery to target engagement

Moderator: Jordan Meier (National Cancer Institute, NIH)

Speakers: Ekaterina Vinogradova (Rockefeller University), Christopher Parker (The Scripps Research , Kilian Huber (University of Oxford)

Covalent ligand discovery for chemical probes to challenging targets

Moderator: Alex Bullock (University of Oxford)

Speakers: Keriann Backus (UCLA), Nir London (Weizmann Institute of Science), Nicolas Moitessier (Molecular Forecaster)

Computational and AI methods for ligand discovery and optimization

Moderator: Andrew Leach (EMBL-EBI)

Speakers: Brian Shoichet (UCSF), Wendy Cornell (IBM), John Cuozzo (ZebiAI), Kate Stafford (Atomwise), Melanie Schneider (EMBL-EBI), Tudor Oprea (University of New Mexico)

Targeted protein degradation and proximity pharmacology

Moderator: Ingo Hartung (Merck Healthcare KGaA)

Speakers: Satpal Virdee (University of Dundee), Dirk Trauner (New York University), Fleur Ferguson (UC San Diego), Nicolas Thomae (Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research), Chris De Savi (Kymera Therapeutics), Lindsey James (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

A concise introduction to Target 2035

Moderator: Hisanori Matsui (Takeda)

Speakers: Adrian Carter (Boehringer Ingelheim), Aled Edwards (SGC), Cheryl Arrowsmith (University of Toronto, SGC), Hiroaki Suga (University of Tokyo), Jonathan Baell (Monash University), Minoru Yoshida (RIKEN), Tim Willson (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, SGC)