Archived recordings
Missed a Target 2035 webinar? Recordings are available to watch on-demand at your convenience.
DNA encoded chemical libraries for hit finding in academia
Moderator: Alex Satz (WuXi AppTec)
Speakers: Xiaoyu Li (University of Hong Kong), Jörg Scheuermann (ETH Zürich), Andreas Brunschweiger (Technische Universität Dortmund)
Expanding the Target Landscape for Alzheimer's Disease through Open Science
Moderator: Suzana Petanceska (National Institute on Aging)
Speakers: Anna Greenwood (Sage Bionetworks), Timothy I. Richardson (Indiana University School of Medicine), Vittorio Katis (University of Oxford)
Drugging the dead – selective targeting of pseudokinases
Moderator: Natarajan Kannan (University of Georgia, IDG) , Stefan Knapp (Goethe-University Frankfurt, SGC)
Speakers: Patrick Eyers (University of Liverpool, IDG), James Murphy (Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Melbourne) , Ben Major (Washington University in St. Louis, IDG), Michael Lazarus (Mount Sinai School of Medicine)
Chemical Networks: How to Source Small Molecules in Open Discovery Projects?
Moderator: Mat Todd (UCL), Ben Perry (DNDi)
Speakers: Lauren Webster (WCAIR), Ed Griffen (MedChemica Ltd), Bill Scott (IUPUI), Paul Workman (Chemical Probes Portal, ICR)
Chemical probes for GPCRs - from bias signalling and allostery to novel technologies
Moderator: Jonathan Baell (Monash University)
Speakers: Ka Young Chung (Sungkyunkwan University), Arun Shukla (Indian Institute of Technology), Asuka Inoue (Tohoku University)